

Ensure your website remains up-to-date, reliably backed-up, and fully secure with our cost-effective website maintenance plans.


Website Maintenance Services

At Luminary Software, we recognize the significance of your website to your business and appreciate the high degree of care required in maintaining it. That is why we offer comprehensive website maintenance services designed to keep it current, efficient, and performing optimally. Our approach involves multiple steps: we first check that all links are functioning as intended, then refresh content on an ongoing basis, and promptly fix any broken ones; we also perform administrative duties like regular backups and monitor site performance to safeguard its online presence and keep customers coming back!

The Key To a Successful Website

Maintenance is critically important in providing your visitors with an engaging user experience that leads to improved satisfaction levels and greater website traffic. Regular website maintenance plays a pivotal role in delivering this essential service, driving newcomers to return again and again, which directly increases website traffic! Additionally, regular maintenance helps improve SEO rankings, translating to higher visibility on search engines and potentially more customers for you! At Luminary, you can trust that your website will not only remain active but will also continue to adapt as your business and the digital landscape change. Our exceptional technical partner boasts five-star Google Reviews—let us show you how we can enhance your online presence! Our dedication to top-notch customer service and effective website maintenance may just be what’s needed to truly shine online.

We provide an extensive range of website maintenance services designed to ensure the smooth and secure operation of your online presence. Our key features and benefits include:

Security Updates

We promptly install essential security patches as soon as they’re released by web development companies. These updates rectify vulnerabilities in their software, safeguarding your site against potential hacker threats.

Plugin and Theme Updates

Our team stays abreast of the latest browser compatibility and security updates for plugins and themes, crucial for extending your website’s functionality and keeping it up-to-date.

Content Updates

We ensure your website’s content remains relevant and up-to-date with a professional appeal by adding new blog posts, updating product descriptions, and eliminating outdated material, thereby upholding customer interest in your site.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

As part of our proactive approach, we keep recent backups of your website as insurance against unexpected issues. Should anything more significant arise, our disaster recovery plans ensure quick restoration to minimize data loss or downtime.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization

We constantly monitor your website to quickly detect and address potential problems as they arise. Our optimization strategies, such as improving webpage loading times, image size optimizations, and code minimization, ensure optimal performance of the site.

Security Scanning

Regular security scans are part of our maintenance package and help identify security vulnerabilities as soon as they appear, helping protect both you and your users by assuring visitors that their personal information remains safe. This contributes to both user experience and the protection of all parties involved from potential dangers. (587) 602-9832